Stay on task with Rev Marcus Sims.

Our mission is to create a bond and commitment with you that shows you that you are not alone. that God is in control and knows more than we do. Trust me to show you how to trust in God will to receive his glory!

Standing true to the task is possible and we can help you get it done it …

I am Rev. Marcus Sims, and I have had my fair shares of troubles growing up. Though nothing was not easy, I had to work my way up to be where I am today by God’s grace and mercy along with the help or my father and my mother of course….

Now challenges that I’ve faced made me the man that I am today, trying to stay true to the task. I am grateful for all of my experiences because i wouldn’t be who I am today.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

-Psalms 56:3

All it takes its one step to walk a hundred miles. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve a goal, have a special event, or you just need someone to vent to, Whether it may be, we at Staying True To The Task is to help you complete your task. Reach out to learn how we can help! .

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